The power of GREEN
27 May 2021 Estimated time: ~1 min.
The power of GREEN - What does it mean to eat green, to think green, to live green
Living "green" means not only consuming as many fresh, unprocessed foods as we know are very healthy, but also making eco-decisions, out of love for nature and the future.
A green diet also involves the option of meat from organic farms, from farms that respect the ethical principles of animal husbandry (without drugs to prevent diseases and parasites, birds and animals raised on land, with natural light, sun and food 100 % natural).
At the same time, eating "green" means not wasting food. Don’t buy more than you need, don’t cook four servings if you only need one, don’t throw away the food, and follow the principle "less is more“ - better less and of good quality, than much and of poor quality.
Recycle and sort!
One of the most important aspects of a green lifestyle is recycling! Try to use packaging from various foods or cosmetics and do not throw them away. For example, some bottles can be used as a vase, and exfoliant jars can have various interesting and creative uses!
Avoid plastic as much as possible! Give up buying five bags when you go to the store and take a cloth bag with you for shopping. It is both trendy and useful for the environment! Avoid buying disposable plastic plates and cutlery and go for an eco-friendly, recycled cardboard version, for example.
Garbage sorting is also important for an eco lifestyle. Paper to paper, plastic to plastic, aluminum cans in place, spent batteries deposited in specially designed areas and never thrown in the trash! It pollutes a lot!
Water and electricity are part of the plan to live green. You can opt for solar panels, they are excellent! And for environmentally friendly light bulbs, very useful and extremely reliable.
Respect nature and teach children to do the same - and that means going tree planting or taking care, as a family, of a small decorative garden or vegetables, if space allows.